What is testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate is probably the most popular steroid in the bodybuilding community. This long-ester is used on long cycles with other long-ester in combination.  Testosterone enanthate cycles usually are between 12-20 weeks long. This ester needs at least four weeks till it kicks in. The peak is at week eight. So, it's advised to do a 16-20 week cycle to get full benefits out of this. You can inject it twice a week if you are on 500mg of testosterone enanthate a week. Don't take anti-estrogens on the first injection. Wait two weeks, then do blood work. If you are using Arimidex, take 0.25mg twice a week and do blood work for e2. If needed increase the dosage to 0.5mg twice a week and so on, till you get it right. If you are taking Aromasin start with 12.5mg twice a week. Do blood work and adjust Aromasin dosage.


First beginner cycle 16 weeks

500mg a week

Monday 250mg

Thursday 250mg

Blood work after two weeks to adjust anti-estrogen medication.


Intermediate cycle 16-20 weeks

750mg a week

Monday 250mg

Wednesday 250mg

Friday 250mg

Blood work after two weeks to adjust anti-estrogen medication.


Advanced cycle 16-20 weeks

250mg every other day

Blood work after two weeks to adjust anti-estrogen medication.