You need steroids

Are you tired of going to the gym every day, training, eating, and getting no results? Are you tired of eating a ton of food and still staying 150 lbs? Then you need steroids to gain weight and progress. Naturally, you can't choose how fast you can gain muscle mass, whereas on steroids you can increase the dosage and gain faster muscle mass. Of course, if your diet is on point. Higher dosages require more food.

So why you should use steroids to progress in muscle mass and strength? Some people can eat a ton of food and still be a stick figure. That's where steroids can help you. Imagine that food is bricks and hormones are workers.  You can have as many bricks as you want but if there are not enough workers you will not build a house. The more workers you have the faster they will build the house.

If you can't gain weight no matter what you need to add testosterone and other compounds to gain muscle mass at a faster rate. Without steroids, you just waste time at the gym. Without the necessary hormones, you can't build muscles. All food that you eat will be wasted for nothing. To get big you need to take steroids and have a good diet. One without the other is not possible.

What steroid cycle to do depends on how much body fat you have. The more fat you have the more you will aromatize from steroids. But now we have anti-estrogen medication that will help you to lower estrogen levels and have fewer side effects. If you are taking orals add Tudca or Milk Thistle while on orals. If you want to keep your fertility, take 250IU twice a week of HCG. Start HCG after two weeks. Let's look into some examples.


First cycle if you have higher body fat 16 weeks cycle

500mg Testosterone Enanthate twice a week on Monday 250mg and Thursday 250mg.

Anti-estrogen medication. Wait two weeks and then do blood work for e2. Don't take any anti-estrogens on day one. It takes some time to raise your estrogen levels on longer esters. Then take 0.25mg of Arimidex on your injection day. So 0.25mg of Arimidex twice a week. After one week do blood work for e2 and if needed increase your anti-estrogen dosage.

Take Anavar 30-50 on day one for six weeks. Anavar is a mild steroid, you can use it for a longer time. Take six week break from orals. Then the last four weeks take Winstrol 30-50mg a day. Then after the end of your cycle, you can PCT or Cruise at 150mg of testosterone enanthate a week for 6-8 weeks. Let your body rest from training and dieting. Let's wrap it simply here:


First cycle if you have higher body fat 16 weeks cycle

Testosterone Enanthate 500mg a week

Anavar 30-50mg a day - first six weeks

Winstrol 30-50mg a day - last four weeks

Arimidex - depends on blood work


First cycle for lean or skinny guys 16 weeks cycle

Testosterone Enanthate 500mg a week

Dianabol 30-50mg a day - first six weeks

Anavar 30-50mg - last four weeks

Arimidex - depends on blood work


At the end of your bulking cycle do a PCT or Cruise at 150mg of testosterone enanthate for 6-8 weeks.